By Panini

2022 Panini One Football Hobby Box

Regular price $350.00
Regular price Sale price $350.00
Availability: Out of stock
Regular price $350.00
Regular price Sale price $350.00
Every Box contains One Autograph Card Enclosed in a One-Touch!

An Industry favorite, One returns with one on-card encased auto per box!

All the autographs in One will be on-card autos from the top NFL rookies, Legends and current Stars!

Hunt for the SSP Insert, Surge! This set features some of the NFL's biggest stars and rookies on a sleek, metal card!

Be sure and hunt for returning and brand new inserts, which include: Once Upon a Time Signatures, Precision Rookie Patch Autos, and new inserts like Onders, Presenting, and One Small Step!